stop pigeons on roof

Bird Spikes Make the Perfect Barriers

Many homeowners may not realize that their home is a pigeon magnet. Like most wildlife, pigeons are attracted to food, water and safety. To ensure your home provides none of these for pigeons, start by making it less attractive to these pest birds.
Install Bird Spikes. Anti-perching, anti-roosting stainless steel pigeon spikes won’t allow pigeons to land on or near them. These spiked strips are rugged, easy to install and humane. The strips are flexible and will follow the rooflines and architectural features of your home to create a pigeon-proof landing zone.

Where to Use Bird Spikes:
Edges, ledges, window sills
Lights, towers, masts, aerials
Rooftops, parapets, cornices
HVAC installations
Beams, girders
Porches, awnings, doors, and entryways
Benefits of Our Bird Deterrents
If you’re looking for bird repellent devices, our stainless steel and plastic bird spikes offer a variety of benefits. They are ideal for rooftop edges, windowsills, ledges and other locations where birds like to roost and nest. They are simple to install, effective and don’t cause any harm to birds or other animals, yet they eliminate damage caused by birds and any potential liability.

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