Stainless Steel Bird Deterrent Wire Barrier

Stainless Steel Bird Wire Anti-bird System on Ridge or Ledge

Stainless steel bird metal wire is a bird deterrent option to deter birds from landing on leading ledges and surfaces. As birds attempt to land on the ledge, the bird will see the wire and be fearful that it will not be able to close its wings and will be deterred from landing on the […]

Bird Scare Rods

The Magic Bird Repellent of Screw Bird Scare Rods

Screw bird scare rods are innovative devices designed to keep birds away from specific areas. They are often made of eco-friendly materials and come in various lengths and colors. These screw rods are easy to install and require minimal maintenance, a peace of mind bird control solution. The magic of screw bird scare rods lies […]

Stainless Steel Bird Spikes with Plastic Base

What Anti-Pigeon Spikes Used to Deter Uninvited Pigeons On Ledges?

Pigeons are a common sight in urban areas, often perching on ledges and rooftops. While some people may enjoy their presence, many find them to be a nuisance due to the mess they leave behind and the potential damage they can cause to buildings. To address this issue, anti-pigeon spikes have been developed to protect […]

Stainless Steel Bird Spikes

Stops Bird Nesting in Eaves

Birds are beautiful creatures who bring life and color to our surroundings. When birds decide to nest in places like eaves and gutters, problems can arise ranging from affecting the aesthetics of the building’s structure to clogging gutters. To solve this problem, many people choose to use gutter bird repellent spikes as a humane and […]

Bird repeller devices pet product bird control spikes

3 Row SS Flexible Base Bird Deterrent Spikes

Bird deterrent spikes are a simple yet highly effective bird control solution. The GKSS-43-1 is made of 100% 201/304/316/316L stainless steel durable material, consisting of a base and rows of fine spikes. These spikes are designed to make it uncomfortable and impossible for birds to perch or roost on surfaces where they are installed.

Bird Scare Eyes Balloon

Bird Scare Balloon Inflatable Plastic Horror Eyes for Bird Control

The Bird Scare Balloon is a highly effective bird control tool that uses the power of visual deterrents to keep birds away. It is made of durable inflatable PVC plastic and is designed to resemble a predator’s eye, which scares away birds. The balloon has a realistic appearance and is available in various sizes to meet different needs.

Plastic Mouse Traps

Portable Plastic Mouse Trap of Mouse Live

Made from high-quality plastic materials, they are resistant to wear and tear caused by mouse activity. This means that you can rely on them for long-term use without worrying about replacements or repairs. They are designed to be highly sensitive, ensuring that even the slightest touch triggers the trap. This sensitivity ensures a quick and efficient catch, preventing mice from escaping or being injured.

5 Rows Animal Control Type bird resistance bird spikes

Anti Bird Spikes to Prevent Pigeons from Perching on Balconies

This anti-bird spike is made from durable, high-quality stainless steel 201, 304, 316, and 316L spikes and a UV-resistant polycarbonate base material. Ensuring the longevity of the spike to last longer on surfaces that are uncomfortable for pigeons to land or roost on.