Are Spikes a Good Option to Exclude Pigeons?

Bird Spikes are probably the most common and cheapest option to exclude pigeons. Look around your city and you’ll see spikes sticking to many different structures and amenities. Usually made in strips, they work on the premise that the pigeon cannot land on the tip of the spike. Spikes are an excellent strategy to keep […]

About the Stainless Steel Bird Spikes

The industry standard for professional bird control spikes have traditionally been a polycarbonate base with stainless steel spikes. They are light and easy to break into smaller pieces by hand, however they breakdown under the harsh UV. Even when they contain UV inhibitors, they become brittle within a few years under the sun and can […]

install bird spike on rooftop

FAQ about Bird Spikes

1.How do they work? Bird spikes are very effective at preventing birds from landing or perching in key areas such as roof ledges, trusses, lights, and piping. 2.Are there other options? For very large areas with complex pipework or wide open spaces, you may want to install bird netting instead of bird spikes. 3.Do they […]

Bird Control Product Anti Pegion Spikes

Anti Bird Spikes, also known as an anti-roosting spike or roost modification, is a device consisting of long, needle-like rods used for bird control. They can be attached to building ledges, street lighting, and commercial signage to prevent wild or feral birds from perching or roosting. Birds can produce large quantities of unsightly and unhygienic […]

Bird Wire System

The Bird Wire System is low-profile and is used to keep large birds off ledges, parapet walls, rooflines, handrails and more. Bird Wire consists of a nylon-coated stainless steel wire that is suspended between a series of poles.The wire is attached to springs, when birds land on the wire; the springs make an unstable landing […]

Does Bird Scare Tape Work?

There are a few ways to deter birds from around your property. One of the cheapest is bird scare tape. Easy-to-use DIY bird repellent. Simply Cut the tape into strips that are between 1 and 2 metres long, and tie the ribbon strips around tree branches or above the property such as railings, rooftops and […]

How To Get Rid Of Pigeons?

Pigeons are the most common type of pest bird in North America and they cause a variety of problems at all kinds of buildings, from airports to manufacturing facilities to power plants and the rooftops of stores, offices, and homes. Because pigeon droppings contain uric acid, which is highly corrosive, pigeons can cause a great […]

Bird Repellent Spikes-Bird Control

Bird control products prevent pigeons, sparrows, and other birds from perching, feeding, and nesting. They are typically used to protect outdoor areas or structures from damage at parks, golf courses, athletic fields, and public buildings. Install these products in locations such as awnings, ledges, balconies, and roofs. Electronic bird repellents discourage birds from flying and […]

PC Base Stainless Steel Anti Bird Spikes

PC base Stainless Steel Bird Spikes are produced from the highest quality UV resistant polycarbonate and 201/304/316 stainless steel, which make it could keep perfect even in the bad weather condition, such as snowstorm or rainstorm, etc.

stop pigeons on roof

Bird Spikes Make the Perfect Barriers

Many homeowners may not realize that their home is a pigeon magnet. Like most wildlife, pigeons are attracted to food, water and safety. To ensure your home provides none of these for pigeons, start by making it less attractive to these pest birds. Install Bird Spikes. Anti-perching, anti-roosting stainless steel pigeon spikes won’t allow pigeons […]