How To Get Rid Of Pigeons?

Pigeons are the most common type of pest bird in North America and they cause a variety of problems at all kinds of buildings, from airports to manufacturing facilities to power plants and the rooftops of stores, offices, and homes. Because pigeon droppings contain uric acid, which is highly corrosive, pigeons can cause a great deal of damage in a short amount of time. Feral pigeons are responsible for untold millions of dollars of damage each year in urban areas. Here are a few of the other most common pigeon roosting problems (and reasons why people need effective pigeon deterrents):

  • Pigeons (and pigeon waste) can hurt the image of a business or commercial enterprise as they leave a bad impression
  • Collected debris from roosting pigeon flocks can cause water damage by blocking up gutters and drains
  • Roosting pigeons often cause extensive damage to air conditioning units and other rooftop machinery
  • Droppings create hazardous surfaces that lead to slip and fall liability
  • Bacteria, fungal agents, and ectoparasites found in pigeon droppings can pose a health risk.

A Humane, Effective Solution: Pigeon Spikes
Got problems with pigeons roosting on signs, gutters, rooftops, ledges, beams, pipes, chimneys, window sills, and other structures? Pigeon spikes are the answer! Our main products are stainless steel bird spikes, plastic bird spikes, bird netting,bird scare, bird wire. Our bird spikes are thighly effective pigeon repellent options that are practically invisible from a distance.

Bird spikes prevent pigeons from gaining a foothold when they try to land. Instead of roosting on your property, they give up and fly away. The tips of the pigeon spikes are not sharpened so they will not cause injuries to birds or installers!

We’ve been specialized in bird control products including Bird Spikes, Bird Netting, Bird Scare Tape, Bird Post & Wire, etc., with different materials and sizes, for over 11 years. Competitive price and good quality make the sales of our products well and fast, any inquiry, welcome to contact us!

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