Bird Scare Rods

The Magic Bird Repellent of Screw Bird Scare Rods

Screw bird scare rods are innovative devices designed to keep birds away from specific areas. They are often made of eco-friendly materials and come in various lengths and colors. These screw rods are easy to install and require minimal maintenance, a peace of mind bird control solution. The magic of screw bird scare rods lies […]

Bird repeller devices pet product bird control spikes

3 Row SS Flexible Base Bird Deterrent Spikes

Bird deterrent spikes are a simple yet highly effective bird control solution. The GKSS-43-1 is made of 100% 201/304/316/316L stainless steel durable material, consisting of a base and rows of fine spikes. These spikes are designed to make it uncomfortable and impossible for birds to perch or roost on surfaces where they are installed.

GKSS-43-1: Bird repeller devices pet product bird control spikes

Stainless Steel Bird Spikes: Preventing Birds from Landing or Nesting

Stainless Steel Bird Nails are made of durable, 201/304/316 stainless steel material for easy installation. They work by creating an uneven surface that birds cannot comfortably land or perch on. This makes it difficult for them to build nests or roost, effectively deterring them from the area.

How to Stop Birds from Nesting on Your House

Birds are beautiful creatures that can bring us a lot of joy. However, when they start nesting in our houses, they can cause damage and become a nuisance. Some solutions to stop birds from nesting in your house: 1. Install bird spikes Conventional bird spikes include 100% stainless steel anti-bird nails, stainless gutter spikes, PC […]

Are Spikes a Good Option to Exclude Pigeons?

Bird Spikes are probably the most common and cheapest option to exclude pigeons. Look around your city and you’ll see spikes sticking to many different structures and amenities. Usually made in strips, they work on the premise that the pigeon cannot land on the tip of the spike. Spikes are an excellent strategy to keep […]